Wedding photography

Wedding photography is the bread and butter of many High Street photographers.  Many do it really well – at a price.

I have deliberately stayed away from wedding photography for a number of reasons :-

  • the stress and pressure of THE DAY, which might just be another wedding shoot for you but it is THE day for bride and groom and their family and friends;
  • it is a highly competitive area with all sorts of photographers involved – the good, the bad and the …..;
  • the life style where weddings are generally on the weekend, meaning a substantial commitment over the years if you are going to do it properly;
  • the limited scope for creative expression with much of the actual photography being prescribed and formulaic.  This is not to say that there are not many very creative wedding photographers out there.

I was privileged recently to do a wedding as a rare once-off event and it went really well.  I was very concerned to capture the special day, to do a high quality professional job and the family were very happy and complimentary about the results.  It is a privilege to be part of a special family time – to capture the essence of the event in a non-intrusive way.

Doing the occasional wedding on a specialist basis has its advantages and can be very rewarding creatively (and financially).

Author: admino

Kenyan born, United Kingdom resident, photographer and African natural resources development specialist.