Series of Four #10 – Creatures in Motion

Series of Four

This is the tenth Blog in the “Series of Four” series. Each blog focuses on a different aspect of photography, either technical or creative.  To see the full set of “Series of Four” blogs, click here.

Creatures in motion

Generally the aim is to freeze motion and to avoid motion blur but that is what rules are there for – to be broken.  I have a few images in my collection where the sense of motion makes the image.  The instant is prolonged – a butterfly takes off, a baboon leaps with its baby, a thief escapes and a puppy runs for the pure joy of it.  To be different (and to add one to the Series of Four) a fly is frozen in flight…. 

An extra image – a fly frozen in motion as it flies.

  •  A chipmunk escapes from the bird feeder in Vienna, Virginia, USA
  • A Queen Butterfly, Leu Gardens, Orlando, Florida, USA
  • Toffee dog, Caterham in Surrey, England
  • Monkey and child, Kakamega rain forest, Western Kenya
  • A  syrphid fly, Caterham in Surrey, England



Series of Four #1 – Symmetry in Composition

Series of Four

This is the first Blog I will be putting up on a Series of Four images.  Each blog will focus on a different aspect of photography, either technical or creative.  This first series is on symmetry in composition.  To see the full set of “Series of Four” blogs, click here.

Symmetry in Composition

Using symmetry in composition is very powerful but needs to be used sparingly and with care.  Here are four images taken in very different situations but all of which use symmetry as their main compositional strength.  Vertical symmetry usually brings a sense of calm and balance to an image.





























The images are (clockwise from top left):

  • An historic home in Florida, USA;
  • St David’s Cathedral, Wales;
  • A construction site, South London;
  • A holiday cottage in Devon, England